Sitemap - 2024 - The Same Drugs

Joe Biden and the Polycule

Here is a list of hip hop tracks I love, in no particular order

EARLY ACCESS: Overcoming anxiety, dating for life, and keeping the sleep paralysis demons away, with Adam B. Coleman

New Title IX rules threaten female sports and due process

It's Ms. Tickle to you

America has turned the working class into second class citizens

EARLY ACCESS: America has turned the working class into second class citizens

Liberal feminism's lies, with Helen Roy

EARLY ACCESS: Liberal feminism's lies, with Helen Roy

Simply criticizing 'gender medicine' isn't enough

The NYT wakes up to gender ideology nonsense and the world wakes up to the exploitation of child stars

Women will not be silenced — join us in Victoria on Thursday, May 30th!

Is TikTok the end of the world? Will Gen Z rebel against online everything? Is there an ok way to use dating apps?

I’m a TERF, you’re a TERF, we’re all TERFs

EARLY ACCESS: Is TikTok the end of the world? Will Gen Z rebel against online everything? Is there an ok way to use dating apps?

Kellie-Lynn Pirie transitioned to escape her trauma, and found only regret

The media is trying to memory hole their Covid lies, PLUS dishing on the Andrew Huberman story

The gender identity debate is coming to Victoria!

The Huberman files

EARLY ACCESS: Kellie-Lynn Pirie transitioned to escape her trauma, and found only regret

Save the children; ban the internet!

'This is pure authoritarianism': The Online Harms Act threatens to usher in fascism in Canada

EARLY ACCESS: 'This is pure authoritarianism': The Online Harms Act threatens to usher in fascism in Canada

The sell out generation

'It will go down as one of the worst medical scandals in history'

'They are perfectly healthy kids' — WPATH's reckless treatment of so-called 'trans kids' revealed

You shouldn’t have come for the kids, Andrew

EARLY ACCESS: 'They are perfectly healthy kids' — WPATH's reckless treatment of so-called 'trans kids' is revealed

Saving Canada starts with you

Therapy: The good, the bad, the grift

Emma Thomas' father 'came out' as trans when she was nine—now she fights to protect kids like her

Do we really have free speech in Canada when we can't protest the government?

EARLY ACCESS: Do we really have free speech in Canada when we can't protest the government?

Chest is best

Julie Bindel: the OG journalist who fought trans insanity nearly alone for years

EARLY ACCESS: Julie Bindel — the OG journalist who fought trans insanity nearly alone for years

The Coddling of the American mind comes to life

Trudeau's government is setting the stage to criminalize gender identity dissidents in Canada

EARLY ACCESS AND UNCUT: The Coddling of the American mind comes to life

Everything bad is good again!

Listen to this article: On being brave

On being brave

Rob Henderson on class, luxury beliefs, the foster care system, and what kids really need

Two of Justin Trudeau's political prisoners have been released — what's next?

Why are young Americans having less sex?

EARLY ACCESS: Rob Henderson on class, the foster care system, and what kids really need

The Canadian government is finally being held to account for its unconstitutional response to Covid

Ask Me Anything!

Listen to this article: Why I won't shut up about Taylor Swift

Just one more thing...

EARLY ACCESS: The Canadian government is finally being held to account for its unconstitutional response to Covid

Why I won't shut up about Taylor Swift

Why has America become the most dangerous place to give birth?

EARLY ACCESS: Why has America become the most dangerous place to give birth?

Graham Linehan went from beloved TV writer to hated TERF in a moment, and it ruined his life

EARLY ACCESS AND UNCUT: Graham Linehan went from beloved TV writer to hated TERF in a moment, and it ruined his life

Let's put the women back in International Women's Day this year

Sasha Ayad: When kids say they're trans

Arden Young went undercover to get the truth about Pornhub from its own employees

On 'respecting sex workers'

EARLY ACCESS: Arden Young went undercover and heard some shocking admissions from Pornhub employees