Mar 17, 2023Liked by Meghan Murphy

Wow, MM. Keep it up. You have one the best bullshit detectors online.

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it's just an ad for porn. they know it. we know it. the most ironic thing is that culture is already so saturated in porn it is the last thing that needs any more promotion. they have already colonised most peoples minds. it's not just about money though. the guys behind porn actually hate us. porn is hate manifest.

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Regarding whether the nature of the production was ignorance or malice aforethought on Netflix's part, given this is the same organization that had no problems with "Cuties" (which sexualizes children) until they caught heat for it, I'm personally somewhat less than inclined towards "benefit of the doubt".

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I get what you're saying about the abuses in the pornography industry and, the potential dangers. But in general, I don't agree that there's anything wrong with using pornography.

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